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Applications Developed and Maintained:

ETF System
Web based collection system used to collect ETF equipment requests for a given phase.

System used to submit your faculty merit recommendations.

Foundation Budget Executive
Review system in the use of the relation to foundation funds.

Foundation Budget Request
Request system in the use of the relation to foundation funds.

Self-Supporting Units Budget
Application to mange Self Supporting Units budget for adjustments and realigns.

Information regarding the StaffSal process can be found on the OBFP website under Budget Processes.

VT Contracts
Virginia Tech Contract Search

Surplus Property
System used to submit your surplus property requests

VT E&G Budget Requests
System used to submit your Education & General requests

Data Analysis & Reporting Tools Supported:

Querying tool for Banner; SCOOP will be no longer supported in the near future.

We support various other querying tools such as Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Query; Please feel free to ask us if we support your querying tool by submitting a ticket.

Websites Developed and Maintained: