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ODBC Connections for Windows

ODBC Connections for Windows

Oracle Database Client is software from Oracle, Inc. that allows client computers to connect to Oracle databases across a network. Using this software, applications such as Excel can interface directly with an Oracle database. Oracle Database Client is used by a range of analysts and managers throughout every department within the VPF senior management area. This client is a prerequisite for several applications like SCOOP and SAS.

Oracle Database Client versions

Oracle provides both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Oracle Database Client. Generally, the version of Oracle Database Client should match the bitness of the client's installed version of Microsoft Office. Although there may be exceptions, a good rule of thumb is that if the user needs Scoop, they must have 32-bit Microsoft Office and 32-bit Oracle Database Client (Version 12c). Otherwise, 64-bit versions of both software packages should be installed. Both 32-bit and 64-bit Oracle Database Client packages may be installed and used on the same client without issues.

Installing TNS NAMES

The 4Help article for Connecting to an Oracle Database can be located here. The tnsnames.ora file can be downloaded from here.

This file can be placed anywhere on the local hard drive, however I recommend it be alone inside of its own directory. Once the file is in place:

  • Open the Control Panel
  • Go to System
  • Open Advanced system settings
  • Open Environment Variables...
  • In the bottom half of the window, create a New... System variable
  • Variable name: TNS_ADMIN
  • Variable value: $PATH OF TNS DIRECTORY
  • OK

Installing Oracle Database Client

For Scoop, you will need to install Oracle ODBC Driver Oracle requires that you create an account. Once you bypass that you can download the client. Run setup.exe located in the download and follow the below installation instructions:

  • Choose the Administrator installation type
  • Click Next > at the language selection
  • Use Windows Build-in Account
  • Change the Oracle Base directory to C:\Oracle
  • Install

Once this is finished we can create the ODBC Connections

Creating ODBC Connections

  • Open the ODBC Data Sources (x32) application as an Administrator
  • Go to the System DSN tab
  • Click Add...
  • Chose Oracle in OraClient12Home1_32bit
  • Data Source Name: banner
  • TNS Service Name dropdown ⌄ : select banner
  • OK
    • Do this twice more for robanner and whprod

You may need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) and Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x64) for the ODBC connections to work.

The ODBC Connections should now be installed! 🎉